This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:To evaluate the effectiveness of Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for delivering pre- and post-registration health professional education compared with traditional learning, other types of eLearning, or other Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions. We will primarily assess the impact of these interventions on students’ knowledge, skills, professional attitudes and satisfaction.HAL
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Protocol, Gamification
In French-speaking research, the expression ‘serious gaming’ is used in English in order to refer to the practice of diverting videogames aimed at three new, functional purposes: the diffusion of message(s), training and data collection. ‘Serious games’ are thus distinguished from ‘serious gaming’: while the end result may appear similar (combining games with educational purposes), serious gaming applies new functions a posteriori. To highlig
Keywords : Serious Gaming, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting
Keywords : serious game, university, advantages, limits
Keywords : serious game, education
====================Résumé de la communication==================== Cette communication a pour objectif de présenter le concept de Datagame, une catégorie de Serious Game associée à des échanges de données et de nous questionner sur la possibilité d'utiliser ce type de jeu pour aider l'enseignant à se représenter l'apprenant situé à distance. Approche importante dans un contexte de formation &agr
Keywords : Datagame, Typology, Definition, Data Base, Serious Game
This book details the history of two legendary game consoles, both released in 1994. The 300 pages are divided in two parts. The first part tells with great details the history of the PlayStation, and the making of its 10 most popular games (Wipeout, Tekken, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid…). The second half is dedicated to the history of the Saturn and 10 of its best titles (Nights, Guardian Heroes, Grandia, Panzer Dragoon, Daytona USA…). Despite already abun
Keywords : playstation, saturn, history
Since 2002, there has been a growing interest in serious games, thanks to the prospects they promise to offer in terms of prevention, training, education, learning, therapy, communication, training, data collection and more.Ten years later, in 2012, the first e-virtuoses international scientific symposium dedicated to studying the impact of serious games was held in Valenciennes. Entitled “Evaluating and measuring the impact of serious games”, the colloquium aimed to help sponsors, p
Keywords : Serious game, Evaluation
This paper falls within the scope of a global approach that ultimately aims to assess what types of support and in what proportions a trainer may have recourse to when they make use of play as a medium. To do this, it seems appropriate in our view to begin by establishing a first model to assess the initial teaching or training situation using play as a medium. To set up such a model, we choose to enrich an existing grid that was developed in 2006 by Sara de Freitas and Marti
Keywords : Game based learning, Evaluation, Serious game, Model, Mediation
(Broacasting our studies)
An article about the history of the game X-PO 2089 Cyber Revolution. An extract of the article is available here.
Keywords : xpo 2089 cyber revolution, history, kalisto, playstation, unreleased, retro serious game