Abstract. In the idea of evaluating a Ludopedagogy sequence, it is necessary to have a systematic evaluative model taking into account different parameters: context, learner, useful dimensions, interactions, interactivities... It is in this dynamic that we proposed the CEPAJe model which proposes to cross five dimensions: the context, the teacher, the educational scenario, the learner and the game. In order to illustrate the use of the CEPAJe model, this article proposes to review three con
Keywords : Evaluation, Serious Game, Serious Play, Serious Gaming, Ludopedagogy, Model, CEPAJe
Ludo Pedagogy – Why use it?Ludo Pedagogy is a pedagogical method that uses games or serious games. The simple fact of using games or serious games into a pedagogy, inscribes us in edutainment. Let us specify, however, that there are several ways of using games in a pedagogical framework. Thus for Yvan Hochet, we can teach "with", "by", "about" and "around" the game (Hochet, 2013). In a modern edutainment approach, the challenge is to teach "with
Keywords : Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Education, Gamification, Edutainment
Interview with Julian Alvarez, associate professor at the DeVisu laboratory and INSPE in Lille.The subject is using games as a lever for teaching. Question 1: Who are you Julian Alvarez? https://youtu.be/O9GkHctoEeM Question 2: What is your day-to-day work? https://youtu.be/N_8rDvzSOAsQuestion 3: What impact does your work have on your research? https://youtu.be/8IG0cx0HtvUQuestion 4: What advice do you have for getting started in edutainment? https://yo
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainement, Education, Teaching practices, Learning, Game based learning, Play, Game
Abstract : This thesis begins by questioning the legitimacy and durability of the serious game. For this, we propose to explore both Serious Game and Serious Play. Indeed, the association of Game Studies and Play Studies is, in our opinion, a complementary and necessary approach to hope to conduct such analysis. These aspects specified, this thesis explores the possibility of using game to assign to it utilitarian objectives. The concepts of Serious Gaming, Serious Game design, Gamification
Keywords : Gamification, Game Based Learning, Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Serious Play, Serious Playing, Ludopedagogy, Ungamification
This communication aims to present the educational experience conducted with the 2014-2015 class of IPM Master II students: the Big Trak project.
Keywords : Robot pedagogy, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Robot, Serious Game, Robot toy, Comparative study, Virtual
00:00:00 / 01:25:12 VidéoSonVoir aussi Se Summary: How can games - and video games in particular - become learning tools? Is a game that abandons frivolity to become a serious game - a contradiction for some - still a game? Does gamification really mean offering a playful experience? The meeti
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Video game, Gamification
Learning technical gestures, developing behavioral skills, helping to better control one's emotions (savoir-être)... these are just some of the contributions of virtual reality that call into question the place of emotions and sensory experience in today's pedagogy. From a theoretical approach, Réseau Canopé, in partnership with Inserm, has extended the development of its Corpus resource into a virtual reality game, Corpus 360°. How to interact with the learner's motivati
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Serious Game, Emotions, Sensory experience, Behavioral skills, Edutainment, Soft Skills, Ludopedagogy
Abstract. In a socio-constructivist approach, our study analyzed a serious gaming activity in a four-day management training program. The executives were mostly men in the engineering field who held management roles for more than 2 years. We observed the executives’ 16 training sessions and interviewed 44 executives of big industrial groups, who had participated in the training, one month after the final session. A psychology of work perspective underpinned our theoretical and methodologic
Keywords : Emotionality, Debriefing, Reflexivity, Team management, Serious gaming, Ludopedagogy
Ludopedagogy (Broacasting our studies)
Ludopedagogy is the idea of using games, or serious games, as a teaching method. Contrary to what such a term might suggest etymologically (“pedo” refers to “child”), the term “ludopedagogy” comes from adult education. Banks and major groups use the term to designate teaching methods to designate teaching methods targeting their employees. We could, however, refer to such approaches as “ludo-andragogy”. But this neologism has no currency.Unive
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainement, Serious game, Pedagogy
Workshop aimed at experimenting with the evaluation protocol to be deployed around the Volar research project. The latter is a Serious Game using tangible objects. The aim of this research project is to carry out a comparative study between an all-digital Serious Game and a hybrid Serious Game involving both digital and tangible objects.
Keywords : Serious game, IOT, Tangible objects, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Protocol, Evaluation, Experimentation