From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (remotely with screening): a great moment of fun, exchanges and interactivity with renowned scientists (Scientists' Symposium led by the Guilde des Ludopédagogues Francophones):Playful intervention by Professor Julian Alvarez: "Ludopedagogy: let's play together to understand" (30 min)Presentation by Dr. Philippe Lépinard - "The teacher's room toy library!" (15 min)Rex on the 2021/2022 Scientific Game Jam (science comes into play) by Johan C
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Training, Serious game, Gamification
Workshop designed to introduce participants to how to structure a fun educational session through a concrete illustration: setting up a fun activity involving video games. The objective is to make them understand the concept of the three educational stages: introducing, facilitating and debriefing the activity to maximize the chances of achieving the useful goals.
Keywords : Video game, Pedagogy, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Gamification, Structuring
Round-table discussion on the place of games in schools and libraries. As part of this cross-fertilization between teachers, librarians, librarians and researchers, the idea was to examine the benefits and constraints of using and lending games in the school environment. Board games and video games were associated with these questions.
Keywords : Board game, Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Documentation, Library, School, Documentation and information center
(Broacasting our studies)
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Book of which you are the hero, Serious game, Gamification, Escape game, Remote, Learning, Virtual
Vol 6 - Issue 1 By proposing to study both the genesis and the actuality, but also the implementation and the reception of digital games in the educational worlds, this thematic file aims at enriching the reflection in two fields of research, that of the "educations to" and that of a digital (or informational) culture. See the special issue:
Keywords : Serious games, Video games, Ludopedagogy, Game based learning
Edutainment is the idea of using games as a learning task. But why use games in teaching and training? What are the added values of such an approach?
Keywords : Serious game, Video game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
Interactive conference designed to question participants on how to build a edutainment session. The process ultimately leads to the co-construction of the Colectyng (CEPAJe) model.
Keywords : Serious game, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, Design, Edutainment, CEPAJe, Colectyng
The aim of this conference is to present how to structure an edutainment sequence or session. The workshop is designed to be interactive, and participants are invited to take part in a treasure hunt with the following instructions:The objective is to reach the first padlock.You can work alone or in a team.The aim is to reach the first padlock, either alone or as part of a team.Look for clues to the “quête de connaissances" (quest for knowledge). Beware, however, that some o
Keywords : Treasure hunt, Edutainment, Serious game, Ludopedagogy
(Broacasting our studies)
On February 5, 2020 in Lille, as part of the “Didapro” Francophone computer didactics symposium, a workshop entitled “MOTIF..MOTIF..MOTIF.. is to repeat MOTIF... 3 times” was proposed. ( The aim of the workshop was to introduce young Cycle 1 pupils (kindergarten and first grade) to computer thinking through two edutainment sessions involving teachers and researchers. The proposed activities were game-based, with the pedagogica
Keywords : Serious game, Edutainment, Ludopedagogy, Evaluation, Debriefing, Education, CEPAJe, Colectyng
The Blue Bot project involved 230 five-year-old pupils of kindergarten in the Nord-Pas de Calais Region (France). The goal was to introduce them to coding, decoding and programming design. A ludopedagogy session was proposed with three main modalities: Body, Robot and Tablet. The statistical results confirmed the reliability of the scientific experiment and highlighted that the two modality combining Robot and Tablet recorded the highest performance scores in a pre- and posttest type evaluation
Keywords : Robot, Pedagogy, Tablet PC, Comparative Study, kindergarten, programming design, Coding, Decoding