This book deals with the rich history of videogames and cinema, and more specifically their relations with American movies. The author details with a high level of precision the various links between the movie and videogame industries, such as the numerous movies-games and games-movies adaptions. But the author doesn't remain at a surface level, he pursues his analysis at a deep level: he studies the evolution of games-movies relations according to the different economical eras of the videogames
Keywords : cinema, videogames, hollywood, thesis, mario, donkey kong, warner
Les serious games sont encore largement inconnus : 74% des personnes interrogées par le cabinet Vento déclarent à ce jour ne connaître aucune entreprise en proposant. Et pourtant les grands groupes manifestent un intérêt croissant pour cet outil ludique, de communication, de formation ou de recrutement. L'Oréal présélectionnera cette année un tiers de ses stagiaires via le jeu Reveal, quand Renault ou la Sociét&eacut
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play
Video games have teaching virtues. The companies have discovered it and have adopted them for their formations. Here the turn of school. Some pioneers introduce them into their classes (p.59).
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, School, Pedagogy
An article about the first videogames from 1947 to 1958: the CRT Amusement Device, the NIMrod, OXO, HutSpiel and Tennis for Two.
Keywords : history, pioneers, videogames
This book focuses on the design of "Casual Games", i.e. video games aimed to people playing them casually. The three first chapters deals with the definition of casual games, their professional creation process, and a broader study of the various play from they can offer. The nine following chapters are then dedicated to each sub-category of casual games: management, match-3, puzzles, hidden objects, construction, social games, etc. While the text is easy to read and understand, this b
Keywords : game design, casual games, examples, analysis, industry
A book explaining in a clear and illustrated way how to use the videogame creation software RPG Maker (XP and VX versions). This software tool allows to easily create role-playing and adventure computer games without requiring any kind of computer programming skills. The author details the different aspects of this tool, from the simplest ones (software installation, level edition, visual events creation system...) to the more complex ones (Ruby scripts programming, creation of a real-tim
Keywords : rpg maker xp, rpg maker vx, introduction, manual, programmation, simple, role playing game
This books tells the history of Player One, a French magazine dedicated to home videogames and manga, alongside with its various spin-offs such as Nintendo Player, Ultra Player, Manga Player and Player Station. Thanks to the interviews with most of the journalists who wrote for it, this 300 pages books gathers a lot of unique information. It starts with an introduction detailing the arrival of Manga and Anime in France, a context in which a company called Média Système Edition firs
Keywords : player one, history, france, press, manga
Depuis quelques années, le concept de « Serious Game » est de plus en plus présent dans tous les évènements liés au e-learning. Mais est-il réellement nouveau ? Où se trouve la limite entre Jeu Vidéo et Serious Game ? Comment un jeu vidéo peut-il remplir des objectifs pédagogiques ? Autant de questions auxquelles répond Julian Alvarez.
Keywords : Serious Games, Retro Serious Games, Serious Play, Pedagogy
Fini le temps où il fallait tuer des méchants ou conduire plus vite que les autres. La nouvelle génération de jeux en ligne apprend à vivre sans pétrole, sans OGM ou à réduire sa facture d’électricité. Plongée dans le « serious gaming ».
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Green games, Ecology