Through a book of over 500 pages, game designer Scott Rogers shares his professional experience of creating videogames. This industry veteran has worked on games such as God of War, Darksiders and the Maximo series, among others. This book deals with the various steps and key-points of the game design process: ideas, scenario, writing a Game Design Document, characters, camera, controls, user interface, level design, game mechanics, enemies... The main strength of this book lies in the way the a
Keywords : game design, example, game design document, maximo, drawing
Abstract:A number of existing innovation paradigms and design approaches such as Open Innovation (Chesbrough, 2003), User Experience (Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006) and User Centred Design (Von Hippel, 2005), as well as User Centred Open Innovation Ecosystem (Pallot, 2009a), are promoting distributed collaboration among organisations and user communities. However, project stakeholders are mainly trained for improving their individual skills through learning experience (i.e. practical exercis
Keywords : Experiential Service Platform, Serious Game, Learning Experience, User Experience, Living Lab, User Co-Creation, Collaborative Distance
A thick 600-pages book detailing the findings of a large scientific research project dedicated to the use of video games for education. The 26 chapters of this book are written like quite separate contributions, and address topics ranging from theory to practice, such as the design of educational video games or the study of their effects. A book warmly recommended to any researcher in the field thanks to very rich book contents, backed by an extensive literature review and several field experime
Keywords : serious game, education, theory, practice, design, literature review
Dans le cadre de l'exposition MuseoGames - Une histoire à rejouer présentée du 22 juin au 7 novembre 2010 au Musée des arts et métiers. Qu'apporte ce nouveau concept ? Avant tout, le jeu devient une activité « sérieuse ». Si la défense a été le premier domaine d’application des serious games, ces derniers intéressent aujourd’hui de nombreux secteurs d’activité : sant&
The autobiography of Takahashi Meigin, someone relatively unknown here but known by every gamer in Japan. He spent most of his career as a employee in Hudson Soft, a game development studio who created the "Bomberman" and the "Mario Party" series, among many others popular titles. But Takashi Meijin wasn't a regular employee: instead of designing videogames, he was hired to advertise them. A remarkably skilled videogame player, he was casted as living legend during the NES/Fa
Keywords : biography, takahashi meijin, hudson soft, japon, nes, pc engine, 16 shot
A journal article published in "La Dépèche du Midi" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious game, ecology
A journal article published in "ToulEco" which presents the Serious Games EcoReporter : à la découverte d'Andromède and Le Jardinier Ecolo, designed by Damien Djaouti for his PhD thesis.
Keywords : serious game, ecology
An introductory book to Game Design. It's written by Marc Albinet, a videogame industry veteran. He shares his global view of the key points to design games : gameplay loops, feedbacks, rewards... While the book is very easy to read and is backed by many examples, it doesn't go into the details of these key points, on purpose: the book, weighting 200 pages "only", is first and foremost suited to beginners. This book will provide them with an excellent door to the world of Game Design,
Keywords : game design, introduction, general view, simple
An article on the history of the pionner videogames invented at the MIT between 1959 and 1962: Mouse in a Maze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Qubic, PDP-1 Chess and Spacewar!
Keywords : history, pionner, mit, videogames
Alongside with "The Ultimate History of Videogames" and "La Saga des Jeux vidéo", here is without a doubt the third must-read book for anyone who want to have a global view on the history of videogames. The authors starts from the early games up to nowadays, and tells the story of the most important games and machines thanks to interviews with their creators. The added value of this book compared to the two previous ones is the fact that, in addition to tackling
Keywords : history, united kindgom, france, europe