(Broacasting our studies)
While video games have become a major cultural practice, we still know little about the diversity of the video game audiences and their practices. Identifying the main issues in the reticularization of the territories in which video game are used, and rising above normative debates on violence and addiction, requires a multidisciplinary approach, at the interface between social and cultural geography, and the sociology of cultural practices. The analysis of video games as spatial systems enable
Keywords : Cultural practice, Network, Space, Territory, Video game
Ce numéro de Muzax va vous faire découvrir l’univers des « Serious Games ». Pour la première fois dans Muzax, je recevais 3 invités. Julian Alvarez, Docteur en science de l'information et de la communication. Damien Djaouti, Doctorant en Art et Informatique à l’Université de Toulouse. Et Olivier Batiste, grand joueur de jeux vidéo, ancien rédacteur et co-équipier dans l’&eacut
Keywords : Serious games
Depuis quelques années, des spécialistes développent des jeux vidéo "thérapeutiques" capables de traiter certaines maladies motrices et neurologiques. Pourtant, même si la perspective est prometteuse, le chemin vers la reconnaissance est encore long.
Keywords : Serious games, Health, Health game
Abstract: The market success of Video games shows us that they have become a significant alternative for leisure and entertainment. While observing the trends one can realize that game designers tend to transpose or adapt leisure activities such as dance, playing music or sports to the context of video games which has become even more obvious with the appearance of input devices incorporating physical movement as a mode of interaction. Inspired by these different forms of leisure, vide
Keywords : Design, videogames, interfaces, experiences, fun, interaction
This book focuses on the Assassin's Creed saga: it analyses the first two episodes of the series, alongside with Brotherhood, as the book was written in 2010. This book is divided in three complementary parts. The "Creation" part tells about the birth of the games in Ubisoft studios. The "Universe" part details the scenarios of each episode, written in separate chapters in order to allow you to avoid "spoilers". Last but not least, the "Analysis" part anal
Keywords : assassin's creed, saga, analysis
The biography of Gunpei Yokoi, one of the most creative employee Nintendo ever had. He is the creator of the Game & Watch, the Gameboy and the Virtual Boy, among others popular toys. This book is an excellent companion to the book series about the history of Nintendo, and offers many details about each creation of this little known genius. Besides the games and toys, this book also deals with the man itself, and more specificially with his famous "lateral thinking for old technologies&q
Keywords : gunpei yokoi, nintendo, biography, gameboy, game & watch, virtual boy, wonderswan
The biography of Michel Ancel, a french game designer, who is famous for creating the "Rayman" and "Raving Rabbids" series. This book details the creations of this famous game designer, by presenting the main steps of his career: the childhood of Michel Ancel, his first professionnal videogames, Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil, King Kong, Raving Rabbids, and Rayman Origins. Each chapter features an interview of someone who worked with Michel Ancel or who is part of his private
Keywords : biography, michel ancel, rayman, king kong, raving rabbids, beyond good & evil
A presentation of our serious game created for the urban district "Andromède", located near Toulouse. This example shows how Serious Games can be used to communicate by local public organisations.
Keywords : serious game, ecology, local organisation
Mahjian (Our projects)
Mahjian is an "Alternate Reality Game" who took place during 6 month (from january to june 2011) in the city of Blagnac, France. Proposing puzzles to solve on Internet mixed with real-life treasure hunts throughout the city, alongside with a giant game-show as a closing event, this game was designed to promote the cultural activities of Blagnac city. While we were working for the game libraray of the Odyssud cultural center, we got involved in the geensis of this game, an
Keywords : serious game, alternate reality game