Let’s explore the types of games that can be applied for gamification.Let’s understand the definition of gamification.Let’s find out the historical background of gamification.Let’s figure out how gamification is associated with the experience economy and the behavioral economics.Let’s understand the effects of gamification on learning and education.Reference (1) : Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J. P., & Rampnoux, O. (2011). Origins of serious games. In M
Keywords : Game, Gamification, Definition, Experience economy, Behavioral economics, Effect
(Broacasting our studies)
This chapter on the work of gamification aims to question the concept of gamification when it is part of prescribed managerial training devices. A distinction is made between simulator and serious game, then between serious game and serious gaming, and finally, we ask ourselves which name is more appropriate in the light of our research findings. A new name seems more appropriate than gamification, and could be degamification.
Keywords : Serious game, Gamification, Ungamification, Serious gaming, Simulator, Training, Management
This article relates the design of an escape game for a session of a combinatorial optimization course named “Escape Classroom”. The aim is to give more appeal to this very complex course based on difficult mathematic concepts. The aim is to reinforce the knowledge and skills of the students and to make&
Keywords : Escape Game, Gamification, Motivation
This article presents a state of the art on the link between serious games and psychological variables and their influence on social outcome. Thus, it puts into perspective different research on games and their evolution in the work world, analyzes their impact on job seekers’s learning and behavior, before highlighting the serious game catalytic effects in professional insertion and training. The research perspectives induced by this article are the job search’s gamification and the
Keywords : Serious game, Insertion, Dispositional variables, Counseling
Data Modeling (DM) is an important area in the Information System (IS) learning. In particular, in the IS analysis phase business analysts need to provide a comprehensive notation to avoid misunderstanding between software engineers and customer. Teaching DM is a challenging task, mainly because it lays great emphasis on theory. It remains often abstract, not consensual and complex to implement in real setting. In order to better motivate learners, this paper aims to assess the integration of Se
Keywords : Serious Games, Gamification, Innovation Minitrack, Data modeling learning, INNOV8, IS learning, Teaching DM
Serious games, definition and challenges1) What is a serious game? What is gamification?2) How does it relate to learning? What are the objectives? What are the specific features of serious games (alternative learning to traditional learning/accessibility, open to all/voluntary work)?3) Types and uses of serious games (general framework)4) The uses of serious games in libraries- for users: acquire documentary research skills; know how to analyze and master information - for staff : The s
Keywords : Serious game, Library, Definition, Serious Gaming, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting
(Broacasting our studies)
On September 8, 2016, as part of the SAMSEI (Stratégies d'Apprentissages des Métiers de Santé en Environnement Immersif) Lyon Summer School organized within the University of Lyon, a workshop named “Point sur le jeu sérieux” (Druette, 2016) was offered. During this workshop, which welcomed around fifty participants, mainly healthcare practitioners, we introduced the CEPAJe model for the first time. Developed during 2015, this model aims to explain, in part
Keywords : Serious Game, Evaluation, Health, Therapeutic scenario, Evaluative model, Therapeutic journey, Awareness
Abstract Serious games (SGs) are a very widespread training and evaluation device, employed in different sectors of school and adult education. In this study we aim to design and develop a SG for training and evaluating personals working in aseptic environment. We will present in this research the theoretical basis needed for that design process. We will define a holistic and united model (PEGADE), which describes the collaborative and optimal process to conceive SGs and which is constructe
Keywords : Serious game, Serious game Design, Simulation, Gamification, Instructional Design, Virtual Reality
The challenges encountered in the process of teaching and learning programming have been discussed on the global stage, resulting in a number of hypotheses that seek to clarify what are the barriers faced and the reasons why beginners feel unhappy with their experiences introductory programming. Thus, a variety of initiatives involving the creation,
Keywords : Gamification, Teaching, Programming, Learning
ABSTRACT Open linked data technologies pave the way towards the semantic Web of the future by a) exploiting the abundance in data availability, b) enhancing the continuing application developments in the Web and computer technologies, c) increasing the availability of game engines towards an expansion of techniques and d) bridging culture and education with gaming. In this context, we introduce an innovative and content-dynamic web-based virtual museum, which relies and exploits the rich c
Keywords : Virtual museum, Virtual exhibition, Gamification, Interactive cultural exhibition, Open link data