Learning, progressing and evolving while having fun in a dual interactive and participative mode: more commonly, edutainment consists in taking participants out of their context to make them aware of certain notions through play.Julian Alvarez, professor and researcher specializing in Serious Games and gamification, shares his expertise with C2podcast on the contribution of edutainment to adult learning.Learner engagement, trial-and-error learning, pedagogical differentiation and the stimulation
Keywords : Podcast, Serious game, Training, Game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment
L’objectif de ce poster est d’étudier l’évolution du nombre d’occurrences associées aux mots-clés « Serious Games » et « Gamification », notamment durant la période 2019 à 2022. Ceci a pour but d’éprouver une hypothèse selon laquelle associer du jeu à des visées utilitaires s’inscrirait désormais dans un discours en reconstruction au sens de
Keywords : Serious game, Analyse
Study day dedicated to Art and neuroscience. In this context, the aim of the conference was to explain the concepts of Gamification, Ludopedagogy, Serious Game and Serious Gaming.
Keywords : Gamification, Serious game, Video game, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious gaming, Art, Neuroscience
From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (remotely with screening): a great moment of fun, exchanges and interactivity with renowned scientists (Scientists' Symposium led by the Guilde des Ludopédagogues Francophones):Playful intervention by Professor Julian Alvarez: "Ludopedagogy: let's play together to understand" (30 min)Presentation by Dr. Philippe Lépinard - "The teacher's room toy library!" (15 min)Rex on the 2021/2022 Scientific Game Jam (science comes into play) by Johan C
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Training, Serious game, Gamification
The aim of this conference is to clarify the notions of Gamification, Ludo-pedagogy and Serious Gaming.These approaches will be illustrated by activities or concrete examples, to help us understand their nuances.Once these elements have been presented, the idea will be to discuss the approaches presented with participants, in order to assess their relevance. See video: https://www.canal-u.tv/134040 Link
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Edutainement, Serious game, Serious gaming, Ludification
Workshop designed to introduce participants to how to structure a fun educational session through a concrete illustration: setting up a fun activity involving video games. The objective is to make them understand the concept of the three educational stages: introducing, facilitating and debriefing the activity to maximize the chances of achieving the useful goals.
Keywords : Video game, Pedagogy, Ludopedagogy, Edutainment, Serious game, Gamification, Structuring
(Broacasting our studies)
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Book of which you are the hero, Serious game, Gamification, Escape game, Remote, Learning, Virtual
ABSTRACT. This paper proposes to question one of the criteria proposed by Roger Caillois to define both play and game. This criterion is the 4th in relation to unproductivity. Based on the datagame, a game category belonging to the Serious Game, we propose a hypothetic- deductive approach to analyze this fourth criterion. At the same time, this process let us to explore the concept of datagame and the identification of benefits for the players.
Keywords : Datagame, Serious Game, Gamification, Data base, Crowdsourcing, Profiling, Marks, Digital Labor
These days, we're seeing an increase in references to the culture of games and video games. It's in this context that we find the phenomenon of gamification. But is it aimed exclusively at gaming enthusiasts, or is it open to all? To find out, let's play! The rules are simple: take a look at Camille's day below. Each time you come across the symbols * @ & #, ask yourself if the sentence matches you. If so, count the symbol in question. Early in the morning, the clock radio plays 8-bit mu
Keywords : Serious game, Game, Gamification
Ludo Pedagogy – Why use it?Ludo Pedagogy is a pedagogical method that uses games or serious games. The simple fact of using games or serious games into a pedagogy, inscribes us in edutainment. Let us specify, however, that there are several ways of using games in a pedagogical framework. Thus for Yvan Hochet, we can teach "with", "by", "about" and "around" the game (Hochet, 2013). In a modern edutainment approach, the challenge is to teach "with
Keywords : Serious Game, Ludopedagogy, Education, Gamification, Edutainment