This Serious Games aims to raise general public's awareness on the topic of "Wetlands". The play has to manage a city by expanding industrial activity while maintaining a healthy ecological environment and providing a good quality of water to the city. Will you be able to balance all this contradictory goals? This Serious Games was created in partnership by the company Acceptable Avenir (final client and serious content), the research lab Ecolab (serious content), the co
Keywords : wetlands, serious game, ecology, management
In this paper, we describe the method we used to design the therapeutic game called Le Village aux Oiseaux, a first person shooter aiming to stimulate the attention network of seniors suffering from the Alzheimer's disease. One of the main issues we had to deal with was how to adapt games designed for adolescents and young adults, to seniors. A lack of studies and game design guidelines, as well as a lack of data on what seniors enjoy while playing made this design more complicated and, thus, in
Keywords : Therapeutic game, Games design, Usability, Evaluation, Methods, Serious Game, Elderly
ABSRACT While play marks both the cultural and pre-cultural spheres of human existence, the environmental design disciplines have almost exclusively compartmentalized the notions of play and fun into categories of leisure and children’s playgrounds. The rhetorics of environmental design, to date, have ignored, or at best marginalized, the possibility of play outside of recreational and commercial contexts. Still, we have abundant examples of playful architecture and fun places that st
Keywords : Design, Architecture, Fun architecture, Game
In this paper, we present a new model to analyse therapeutic games. The goal of the model is to describe and analyse the relations between the three aspects of a therapeutic game: the player, the game, and the therapy. The model is intended to game designers. It is a tool to improve the communication between health experts and game designers, and to evaluate the game design coherency of therapeutic games. It also helps to analyse existing games to discover relevant features. The model is built w
Keywords : Video games, Evaluation, Analysis, Model, Game design, Serious games, Therapeutic
Keywords : serious game, phd thesis, game design
Nowadays, videogames are an important part of popular culture. Although videogames are most famous as leisure, the wave of " Serious Games " aims to use them for a wide range of serious purposes: teaching, communication, therapy, professional training, advertising, political propaganda… This thesis focuses on the design of such " Serious Games ". More specifically, we will try to identify means able to ease the creation of Serious Games. To achieve this goal, we will f
Keywords : Serious Game, Game Design, creation, game creation toolkits, modding, videogames, constructionnism , pedagogy
This autobiography is composed by the personal journal of Jordan Mechner during the creation of his famous game Prince of Persia (1989). The authors tells us about his thoughts, his doubts, his joy, and more specifically about the different steps towards the creation of this classic game. A very interesting read, despite a rather "rough" writing style : this book allows you to literally enter inside the head of Jordan Mechner, a creative genius with a lot more doubts and fears that we
Keywords : biographie, prince of persia, jordan mechner, artist, creative process
An analysis book dedicated to "The Legend of Zelda" game series. This text-only book is divided in two main parts. The first one, which represents about 2/3 of the book pages, begins with a quick presentation of each title in the series (from "The Legend of Zelda" to "The Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks"). The story of each episode is detailled in one or two pages, before analyzing the special features of its game design compared to the other episodes. But
Keywords : the legend of zelda, analysis, psychology, story
Abstract: The impact games are known to have on commitment is pushing more and more companies to use training programmes that incorporate games, including Learning Role-Play Games. This article presents the methodology (ScenLRPG) and formalism we have defined to support instructional designers in the design of such programmes. The ScenLRPG methodology is based on two main principles: the first one is to make designers integrate the use of game principles into their reflection; the second one is
Keywords : Role-play game, Design support, Learning-scenario design, Formalism, Commitment
Keywords : serious games, master class, game design, tools