This PhD thesis explores the field of therapeutic games in order to propose methods and tools for the game designer of such games. The most fundamental design problem of therapeutic games is the gameplay, ie. the game objectives and the actions the player does to address the objectives. In therapeutic game, the gameplay must, at the same time, provide the therapeutic effects and motivate the patient to follow his protocol. The sub-problems of this are 1. the two-fold evaluation (medical and moti
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Gameplay
The history of video games if full of forgotten titles. Most of the time, they are game projects cancelled before completion. But, sometimes, full and complete games are cancelled just before their commercial release. We call them "unreleased games", as they are waiting to be be discovered by historians or collectors who can reveal their existence to the world. Today, Ludoscience is proud to present you an "unreleased" PlayStation game called X-PO : 2089 Cyber Revolution
Keywords : history, video game, serious game, playstation, unreleased, japan, france
(Broacasting our studies)
Abstract: Serious games are part of the new emerging world of education environment that is based on sophisticated technology with elements of entertainment. They have been seen as good supplements for supporting the learning processes due to their capability to increase visualisations and challenge the student creativity. They have the potential to significantly improve training and education activities and initiatives. As a part of serious computer games, business simulation games support
Keywords : Serious Games, Business Simulation Games, e-learning, Problem-Based Learning, Education
This article aims to demonstrate the importance of video game designers as agent of progress. This work is based on a study whose main purpose is to better define casual games while using the video game designers' professional knowledge. During the course of the study, it became clear that the game design practices have been evolving over time. Due to the scarcity of existing information on the role of designers in the scientific literature, it seemed appropriate to explore this lack. The r
Keywords : video game design, design practice, designer role, professional knowledge, instrumental player, casual game
Serious games have become a motivational engine to get knowledge, skills and fun at the same time. First of all, the player has to feel that he is play-ing a game where the learning is only a consequence of the playing actions and it is essential to use reliable sources of information to design them in order to obtain the desired results. In this paper, we propose the design and development of a serious game as learning tool and generator of interest about Tourette syndrome in a web-based enviro
Keywords : Attitudinal change, Computer-based training, Empathy, Entertainment, Game-based learning, Instructional technology
In this paper we investigate the possibility how to enable transfer of meaningful game information between different video games. We explore the benefits of ontologies as a solution to this problem, and present an initial version of Game Ontology, a first step towards achieving interoperability between games. References (1): D. Djaouti, J. Alvarez, J. Jessel, G. Methel, and P. Molinier. Towards a classification of video games. In Artificial and Ambient Intelligence convention (Artifici
Keywords : Game, Video Game, Ontology
Abstract. The access to large-scale imagery datasets has been a signifi- cant obstacle to the success of many applications in application domains that range from 3D modelling to augmented reality, and from infrastructure inspection to urban planning. Although large collections of images already exist, from sources such as Bing Maps, Google Street View, and many photo-sharing sites, they are incomplete, inaccurate and expensive. A solution to this problem could be to leverage on large end-us
Keywords : Serious games methodologies, Participatory sensing
Abstract:Serious games are an emerging technology that is growing in importance, providing benefits beyond pure entertainment in order to improve the users' realistic experience. Nowadays, there is increasing concern for people with cognitive troubles. Their cognitive capabilities could be improved so they can lead a better life. Serious games have great potential in stimulating cognitive abilities for different target audiences via multiple devices. Classifications of serious games should help
Keywords : Serious games, Classification, Analysis, Cognitive stimulation
AbstractVideo games possess many unique features that facilitate learning. Meanwhile, teaching about evolution is never an easy task due to the existence of some barriers to its learning.Virtual Age, therefore, has been developed in an attempt to harness the power of gaming to increase student understanding of biological evolution. The aim of this study was to examine whether Virtual Age is effective for learning about evolution and to further explore the interplay of student concept l
Keywords : Virtual reality, Teaching/learning strategies, Interactive learning environments, Applications in subject areas, Secondary education