This study examines the various market segments of Serious Gaming based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of the corresponding technologies, practices and know-how, while emphasising on the key stages of the design, development and dissemination phases. It also provides technology and business prospects for each market segment.
Keywords : Serious Game, Market, Education, Evolution, Defence, Training, Health, Study
INTRODUCTION Les jeux vidéo sont, en apparence, aisément appropriables. Ils constituent un objet culturel porteur de nombreux discours normatifs, souvent très polarisés (les jeux vidéo c’est… beau/rigolo/idiot etc.) Dans les années 1980, les discours de dénonciation étaient dominants, utilisant les mêmes arguments que les critiques antérieures adressées aux médias de masse (télévisi
In this paper, we describe the method we used to design the therapeutic game called Le Village aux Oiseaux, a first person shooter aiming to stimulate the attention network of seniors suffering from the Alzheimer's disease. One of the main issues we had to deal with was how to adapt games designed for adolescents and young adults, to seniors. A lack of studies and game design guidelines, as well as a lack of data on what seniors enjoy while playing made this design more complicated and, thus, in
Keywords : Therapeutic game, Games design, Usability, Evaluation, Methods, Serious Game, Elderly
We propose the “Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning among Experts” (ARGILE) for participatory and knowledge -intensive serious games. Faced with the problem of training on professional practices in areas of advanced expertise, reference knowledge are neither stabilized nor unanimous, but rather dynamic and continuously evolving. Moreover, the practicioner does not make decisions based on pre-established recipes, but it is brought to trial and error, to
Keywords : Participation architecture, e-training, Serious games, Knowledge Engineering, Cooperation, Discussion forum
Abstract:A critical incident at any institution may include bomb threats, assault, bio-hazardous spills, civil disobedience, electrical outage, fire or explosion, gas leak, natural disasters, infectious diseases, and terrorist threats. Although many employees know of this type of situation, most are not properly trained with respect to how to react when a critical incident occurs, nor do they understand lockdown procedures. Serious games refer to video games that are used for training, advertisi
In this paper, we present a new model to analyse therapeutic games. The goal of the model is to describe and analyse the relations between the three aspects of a therapeutic game: the player, the game, and the therapy. The model is intended to game designers. It is a tool to improve the communication between health experts and game designers, and to evaluate the game design coherency of therapeutic games. It also helps to analyse existing games to discover relevant features. The model is built w
Keywords : Video games, Evaluation, Analysis, Model, Game design, Serious games, Therapeutic
This study examines the various market segments of Serious Gaming based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of the corresponding technologies, practices and know-how, while emphasising on the key stages of the design, development and dissemination phases. It also provides technology and business prospects for each market segment. Serious Gaming (SG) is at the crossroads of several disciplines: e-learning, computing, engineering, virtual world d
Keywords : Serious Game, Market, Evolution, Health, Defence, Education, Study, Training
Abstract The global economic crisis that is felt is leading to the emergence of a need to increase business competitiveness, by improving the performance of its employees. In this sense, Lean Manufacturing is an area that deserves the attention of employers and their employees, since its main objectives are to increase productivity, reduce waste and optimize available resources. A Lean tool that deserves special attention is the 5S Method, which can improve productivity, by increasing the o
Keywords : Serious Game, Learning, knowledge, Evaluation
Unlike what is stated in its title ("how to design a serious game for training courses"), this book doesn't explain how to design a Serious Game, but how to hire someone to create a Serious Game for you (i.e. how to be an "aware client" regarding Serious Games). After a short definition of what a Serious Game is, this book details very clearly the different ways to integrate a Serious Game inside a training course (advantages of Serious Games, how they work with other methods
Keywords : serious game, ordering, client, project management
Abstract:Nowadays, organizations have to be flexible enough to allow adjustments to new circumstances and to be able to align their processes in a short time according to the users requirements, respecting environmental constraints and technological evolution. The challenges are then to improve process efficiency and quality, to introduce a continuous process evolution and to improve the stakeholder's satisfaction. This article proposes a Serious Game-based Method for Business Process Management
Keywords : Serious game, Business Process, Modeling, Management, Participative process, Process improvement, BPM