Les vertus pédagogiques des « serious games »Après les écoles, l’université utilise les jeux sérieux, des nouveaux outils collaboratifs et professionnalisants On connaissait les «serious games» – «jeux sérieux», en français – pour les entre- prises; à l’heure où les questions d’innovation pédagogique se mul- tiplient, de nombreuses universi- te
Keywords : Serious Game, Mooc, Learning, University
Special session about serious gaming during the 6th Global Conference: Video Games Culture Project, from Thursday, 17th July to Saturday, 19th July 2014, Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Key words: serious games, serious gaming, education, projects with students, level design, case studies SimCity in geography lessons, Civilisation V for non-violence education, Read Dead Redemption as a means of addressing the history of the Far West… These
Keywords : Call for papers, Serious Gaming, Serious Game, education, projects with students, level design, case studies, Modding
(Broacasting our studies)
This paper treats serious games. Recently, one of the game genres called serious game has become popular, which has other purposes besides enjoyments like education, training and so on. Especially, learning games of the serious games seem very attractive for the age of video games so that the authors developed a mobile game for learning bacteriology as one of the achievements of their research project. In this paper, the authors introduce the game and show evaluated results about its learning ef
Keywords : Serious games, Mobile learning, Educational contents, Bacteriology
Genre is an important feature for organizing and accessing video games. However, current descriptors of video game genres are unstandardized, undefined, and embedded with multiple information dimensions. This paper describes the development of a more complex and sophisticated scheme consisting of 12 facets and 358 foci for describing and representing video game genre information. Using facet analysis, the authors analyzed existing genre labels from scholarly, commercial, and popular sources, and
Keywords : Genre, Facet analysis, Video Games, Interactive media
=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game
Serious games are growing rapidly as a gaming industry as well as a field of academic research. There are many surveys in the field of digital serious games; however, most surveys are specific to a particular area such as education or health. So far, there has been little work done to survey digital serious games in general, which is the main goal of this paper. Hence, we discuss relevant work on serious games in different application areas including education, well-being, advertisement, cultura
The Europe 2020 strategy acknowledges that a fundamental transformation of education and training is needed to address the new skills and competences that will be required if Europe is to remain competitive, overcome the current economic crisis and grasp new opportunities. Innovating in education and training is a key priority in several flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, in particular the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Youth on the Move, the Digital Agenda, and the Innovation Un
Keywords : Learning, Serious Game, Game
Human wellbeing, in a large component, relies on the harmony between the body and the mind. Unfortunately, we often miss or ignore important signals from our bodies, and sometimes this can negatively impact our health. Therefore, the use of intelligent systems that grasp such signals and convey them in an intuitive manner to our minds can result in great health benefits. In this Thesis, we introduce a family of multimedia technologies and techniques aimed at realizing such systems. We call them:
For almost ten years, serious games have been becoming more and more popular in large French companies, especially toward human resource managers who use them to recruit, integrate, train, support, develop, communicate and sensitize. However, few research papers are based on the academic literature in management science. The purpose of this paper is to build a typology of serious games based on their use in human resource management. To construct this typology, an inventory of all serious games
Keywords : Serious game, Ressources humaines, Cartographie, Usages, Grandes entreprises