That national education, the United Nations and Greenpeace, for example, use video games to convey a message and communicate, reveals that this form of digital leisure constitutes a credible alternative to traditional forms of communication. Furthermore, if the message includes an educational dimension, in the most global sense of the term, we believe that we are facing a new product in the world of multimedia. In this communication, we propose to take a critical lo
Keywords : Serious Game, Advertainment, Edugame, Education, Innovation, Marketing, Réception
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this
Keywords : School guidance, Advertaising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception
During this conference, the aim was to present the Edumarket game concept. This corresponds to a Serious Game combining an educational dimension and a brand. This raises a number of ethical questions: is it conceivable to teach children to read, with the parallel introduction of a brand in a school setting, for example? At the same time, using a video game to teach is in a way promoting a license that students are likely to consume after class...
Keywords : serious game, Edumarket game, Ethic, Branding, Advertising, Licence
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this tool in different classrooms by childre
Keywords : Advertaising tools, Advertainment, Education, Innovation, Marketing, Reception, School guidance, Serious Game
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this
Keywords : serious game, Advertising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception
This learning project intents to raise students awareness on videogame academic research through Project Based Learning (P.B.L.). The students are involved in our different research project through the design of serious game, talks about history or culture related research or even through the creation of original gameplay principles... The students are also invited to share their own points of view through collective debates and group projects relying on their personnal thoughts
Keywords : game design, education
One of the flagship book of the current wave of Serious Games, focused on videogames. This 350 pages book start with a definition of Serious Games, through a comparative analysis with entertainment videogames. It then features a lot of games examples for each of the main Serious Games application domains in 2005: defense, government, corporate, education, healthcare, politics, religion and art. This book also gives some Serious Games design advices related to each of these domains. This bo
Keywords : serious game, definition, examples
This article describes the innovative approach taken by the French Ministry of Education, which is using video gamesto convey a message to the 15-18 age group in order to promote its industrial sectors.Taking a scientific approach to communication and sociology, we begin by exploring the strategy putin place to develop games designed to convey the desired message, followed by a study of the very firstreceptions in the field. Read paper on Research Gate Read paper on HAL &n
Keywords : Pedagogy, Video Game, Serious Game, Education
An essay written by Gilles Brougère, a researcher specialized about games, dealing with the relations between playing and learning. This book addresses play as a general activity, ranging from kids play in preschools to video games. The author stars with the definition of "game" and "play", before diving into the relationships between play and leisure, education and leisure, and, last but not least, play and education. Through the idea of "informal learning",
Keywords : essay, learning science, learning, game, play, education, leisure, school
Technocity is a serious game released in March 2006, and freely distributed to the 600 high school and college located in the region around Toulouse City (South-West in France). The purpose of this edumarket game is to promote courses related to industrial and technical jobs towards a 15 to 18 years old audience. This title was created for the french ministry of education. This was a first experiment for the Toulouse section of french ministry of education, who wan
Keywords : serious game