Abstract Since the 90s, integrating computer-based educational gaming into the learning process has been amply studied and criticized for not producing conclusive evidence, especially within the context of edutainment and CBT (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, 2005; p.265). Nonetheless, the emergence of constructivist learning environments, constructivist- centered learning approaches and instructional design models are providing new ways for integration of educational game in classrooms. A third generati
Keywords : Edutainment, Edugame, Serious games, Education, Learning through design, Co-conception, Instructional design and model
(Broacasting our studies)
AbstractNowadays the issue of learning through play has been raised because of the generalization of the use of video games. In the 1990s, the concept of game-based learning stood out and offered educational software claiming a play environment. In the 2000s, as the game-based learning didn’t seem to keep its promises, the concept of serious game stood out and offered new applications based on the video game culture. The founding title financed by the United States Armed Forces, America&rs
Keywords : Serious games, Edutainment, Learning, Education, Video game
Article written for teachers. It presents Serious Games, their advantages and their limits, alongside with some practical tips on how to choose them, with some real-examples.
Keywords : serious games, advantages, limits, teachers, examples
This paper describes the development currently being conducted into serious games which pursue some form of benefit in the field of health care. Although serious games are associated with software developments, developing them in the area of health care involves studying the associated multimedia technology and paying attention to aspects related to interaction with the game. Serious games for health cover matters related to education and medical treatment, rehabilitation and psychological treat
Keywords : Games, Computers, Educational institutions, Mixers, Medical treatment
Research on digital game-based learning indicates that this learning method can be - under certain conditions - more efficient than other traditional teaching methods, such as textbooks, or web-based learning. Without additional support learning from games may or may not occur, this is why instructional support should be used in educational settings. The present study focuses on testing with feedback as a type of instructional support with great promise. Testing is widely used in almost all clas
Keywords : Digital game-based learning, Learning from games, Testing, Feedback
This book highlights the potential of video games for education purposes. Over 250 pages, 10 chapters are dealing with a different topic each. For example, one chapter relies on the Final Fantasy series to demonstrate the artistic potential of video games, while another chapter presents a classroom experiment conducted over the Harry Potter games and movies to make the students work on storytelling. While the book subject is very interesting, the quality of its chapters varies heavily. The best
Keywords : education, video game, classroom, theoretical
The recognition of facial expressions is important for the perception of emotions. Understanding emotions is essential in human communication and social interaction. Children with autism have been reported to exhibit deficits in the recognition of affective expressions. Their difficulties in understanding and expressing emotions leads to inappropriate behavior derived from their inability to interact adequately with other people. Those deficits seem to be rather permanent in individuals with aut
Keywords : Autism, Facial emotion recognition, Gestures, Kinect, NUI
Participation in the organizing committee of the AREF 2013 conference.
Keywords : aref 2013, organizing
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be &lsquo
Keywords : call for papers, journal
Abstract Serious games have been receiving a lot of interest in the recent years and have been increasingly used for educational, military and business purposes. One of the positive sides of serious games is the fact of being tools that allow the creation of an environment where players are immersed in a playful activity, and are much more receptive to knowledge acquisition. Through serious games players are more likely to retain information for a longer period of time. The terrain instabil