ABSTRACT Open linked data technologies pave the way towards the semantic Web of the future by a) exploiting the abundance in data availability, b) enhancing the continuing application developments in the Web and computer technologies, c) increasing the availability of game engines towards an expansion of techniques and d) bridging culture and education with gaming. In this context, we introduce an innovative and content-dynamic web-based virtual museum, which relies and exploits the rich c
Keywords : Virtual museum, Virtual exhibition, Gamification, Interactive cultural exhibition, Open link data
AbstractThe evolving technologies of the game engines and the Web have reached a level of maturity that enables them to contribute significantly to the long-celebrated blending of culture and education with gaming. In this work, we present DynaMus, an innovative fully dynamic Web-based virtual museum framework that relies entirely on users’ creativity and on the exploitation of the rich content in distributed Web resources. DynaMus is able to connect to popular repositories, such as Europe
Keywords : Dynamic, Virtual museum, Virtual exhibition, Game-based learning, Distributed data, Cultural resources
===========Actions menées =========== Stand présentant le concept de Serious Game et les différents ouvrages de Ludoscience. ================Résumée de la journée================ Les fonctionnaires stagiaires de la promotion 2015-2016 ont pu rencontrer tous les partenaires de l’éducation. La journée du 9 juin qui a accueilli plus de 1200 étudiants fonctionnaires stagiaires, fera date dans l’histoi
Keywords : Serious game, Edugame, Education, Ludopedagogy
In French-speaking research, the expression ‘serious gaming’ is used in English in order to refer to the practice of diverting videogames aimed at three new, functional purposes: the diffusion of message(s), training and data collection. ‘Serious games’ are thus distinguished from ‘serious gaming’: while the end result may appear similar (combining games with educational purposes), serious gaming applies new functions a posteriori. To highlig
Keywords : Serious Gaming, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting
Public Transport supports independence and encourages social, educational and vocational inclusion. It is a sure means to gain access to the city, services and activities. However, using fixed-route requires knowledge and know-how that all travelers, such as people with intellectual disabilities, do not master. While for most of us learning to travel is done through personal experience, for people with intellectual disabilities there is a need for travel training in order to build up travel expe
Keywords : Intellectual Disabilities, Fixed-Route, Travel-Training, Public Transportation Requirement, Serious Game
====================Résumé de la communication==================== Cette communication a pour objectif de présenter le concept de Datagame, une catégorie de Serious Game associée à des échanges de données et de nous questionner sur la possibilité d'utiliser ce type de jeu pour aider l'enseignant à se représenter l'apprenant situé à distance. Approche importante dans un contexte de formation &agr
Keywords : Datagame, Typology, Definition, Data Base, Serious Game
This article questions the place of games in language teaching and more specifically examines how the transition between the use of traditional games in the classroom and their adaptation to digital media has been carried out. Are these games the same or have they changed ? Has the digital switchover preserved the entertaining aspects of these games or have these aspects changed in order to accommodate more serious content ? We will thus examine the potential added value of digital ver
Keywords : learning games, language learning, tasks, action-based learning, playful attitude
La motivation permet d’expliquer la dynamique du comportement humain. Rares sont les phénomènes psychologiques qui lui échappent.L'objectif de cette 2ème édition, à jour des dernières recherches menées sur ce thème, est double. D'une part, il s'agit de présenter un modèle intégratif de la motivation. Ce modèle permet de montrer qu'il est possible de faire des ponts entre les concepts théorique
Abstract—Serious games are present today in several fields such as education, government, health, defense, industry, civil security and science. In our research we are particularly interested in serious games used in education since they have become an essential part of the learning process and one of the main pedagogical tools used for diffusion of educational messages. So the use of serious games in an educational context can motivate students and stimulate their interest as they fit int
Keywords : Assessment Grid, Education, Serious games, SG-LOM
The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was a time of significant social and economical transformations. The progressive technologizing of our lives and the development of the information society impacted on the intensive cultural transformations. In the face of this new economic reality and the free‑market intense competition on the field of cultural offers, many institutions had to comprehensively reorganize their activities to meet the needs and expect
Keywords : Culture, Technology, Media, Museum