Serious games (SGs), the confluence of e-learning and videogames, have been developing very fast these past years. Indeed, SGs combine aspects of tutoring, teaching, training, communication and information, with entertainment elements derived from videogames, in order to capture people's attention for purposes that go beyond pure entertainment. However, the creation of a SG for educational purposes and professional training is a very time-consuming and expensive process. The challenge is to comb
Keywords : Serious games, Scenario design, Authoring environment, e-learning, Pedagogical objective
A presentation of our serious game created for the urban district "Andromède", located near Toulouse. This example shows how Serious Games can be used to communicate by local public organisations.
Keywords : serious game, ecology, local organisation
This book explores the "Serious Games" universe. It starts with a definition of Serious Games, in order to identify their differences from entertainment videogames. It will then present out with a lot of current examples of Serious Games from various domains: education, healthcare, communication, defense, politics, etc. The third part will explain you the history of Serious Games, while the fourth and final part gathers many interviews with people from the Serious Games field: designer
Keywords : serious game, definition, history, interviews, examples
Abstract:A number of existing innovation paradigms and design approaches such as Open Innovation (Chesbrough, 2003), User Experience (Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006) and User Centred Design (Von Hippel, 2005), as well as User Centred Open Innovation Ecosystem (Pallot, 2009a), are promoting distributed collaboration among organisations and user communities. However, project stakeholders are mainly trained for improving their individual skills through learning experience (i.e. practical exercis
Keywords : Experiential Service Platform, Serious Game, Learning Experience, User Experience, Living Lab, User Co-Creation, Collaborative Distance
This report analyses the different Serious Game markets through a systematic examination of the technologies, the uses made of the games and the different professions involved, with particular focus on the key stages of design, development and distribution. It also explores the outlook for each market segment....
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play
This report analyses the different Serious Game markets through a systematic examination of the technologies, the uses made of the games and the different professions involved, with particular focus on the key stages of design, development and distribution. It also explores the outlook for each market segment....
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play
(Broacasting our studies)
Il y a seulement deux ans, ils n'étaient qu'une poignée en France à s'y intéresser. Aujourd'hui, le serious game, le jeu vidéo "sérieux", semble devenir un outil incontournable de communication et de formation. 20 millions d'euros ont été débloqués par le gouvernement pour aider 48 projets. To read the post
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Video game
Les serious games sont encore largement inconnus : 74% des personnes interrogées par le cabinet Vento déclarent à ce jour ne connaître aucune entreprise en proposant. Et pourtant les grands groupes manifestent un intérêt croissant pour cet outil ludique, de communication, de formation ou de recrutement. L'Oréal présélectionnera cette année un tiers de ses stagiaires via le jeu Reveal, quand Renault ou la Sociét&eacut
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play
Within the framework of this paper, our project is to propose an exploratory analysis of a corpus of Serious Games that talk about food, or Serious Games developed by food brands. Indeed, there is a great deal of heterogeneity and diversity, as brands and communications agencies mobilize all their creativity to reach their targets. In our view, these methods represent an innovation in marketing strategies aimed at young audiences, although we currently have no way of assessing their impact and e
Keywords : serious game, fun food