Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore emergent learning in relation to playful interactions and instances of serious game conceptualization when combining the emerging and next generation technologies of ambient awareness with wireless grids. A review of the literature is presented for playful interactions and serious games in relation to ambient awareness and wireless grids. Using a case study approach and multiple methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection, the stu
Keywords : Ambient awareness, Ambient learning, Autonomy, Edgeware, Emergent learning, Emotion/affect, Playful interactions, Serious games
=====================Résumé de la présentation=====================Selon la BNF, depuis 2014, le Ministère de la Culture tient à ce que nous privilégions le vocable « jeu sérieux » à la place de « Serious Game ». Il convient cependant de souligner qu’une telle traduction introduit une subtilité. En effet, dans la langue française, la notion de « jeu »
Keywords : Serious game
Cette présentation expose à un public génraliste un petit résumé de l'histoire des Serious Games. Programme de la journée : Cette nouvelle forme de communication et d’apprentissage, issue des jeux vidéo, se retrouve peu à peu dans tous les domaines de notre vie, de l’école au travail, en passant par notre santé ou notre citoyenneté. D’où viennent-ils, quels sont leurs usages, comment l
Keywords : Serious Game, History
While video games have established themselves as a major cultural industry of our time, the serious game, which derives from it, is arousing growing interest: more than simple entertainment, it promises to offer numerous perspectives in terms of prevention, training, education, learning, therapy, communication, training, data collection, etc. This is why the Grand Hainaut Chamber of Commerce and Industry took the initiative of organizing, since 2012 in Valenciennes, with the support of the Picta
Keywords : Serious game, Video game, Chamber of commerce
Introduction The value of video games for learning is a controversial issue that has fueled numerous investigations since the first electronic games captivated generations of young people and children in the 80s (and Méndiz De Aguilera, 2004). While, initially, there were suspicions to believe that video games could be useful in education and training field currently, it is a widely shared by both researchers concept, for educators (Del Moral, 2010; Gros, 2009, Gros, 2000 Etxeberr&ia
Keywords : Video games, Learning, Values
================================================================================= International Scientific Symposium "Games for all purposes? Appropriation, Repurposing and Rejection" ================================================================================= On 4 and 5 June 2013 in Valenciennes, during the "e-virtuoses" scientific convention, dedicated to the use of games and play (digital or not) for utilitarian purposes, we will host a scientific
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Serious Play, Evaluation, Uses, Organisation, Transformation
In this paper we present a Digital Serious Game set in a medieval alchemical laboratory, aimed at disseminating the ancient knowledge of medicine distillation contained in the famous Adam Lonicer's Kreuterbuch (1569) treatise. The application is based on interactive Virtual Environments and available on multiple visualization technologies, ranging from simple touch-based tablet up to immersive environments such as CAVEs or Oculus Rift. The game comes as the latest development level o
Keywords : Libraries Archives, Virtual Environment, Immersion, Interaction, Learning, Digital Serious Games
The Serious Game concept connects video games with the opportunity to broadcast messages, provide training, or enable data collection. Many different market segments make use of such games, including: training, health, defense, communications, politics, etc. The authors present their definition of Serious Games, recount its history, identify the major market segments involved, present key games, and determine whether Serious Games represent a technological innovation or a change in video game us
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Serious Play, Simulation, Video games
On May 23rd in Valenciennes, we are organizing a scientific symposium called“Evaluate and Measure the Impact of Serious Games” during the international “evirtuoses” event. This meeting aims at asking questions on approaches,paradigms, experience feedbacks enabling the projection of theoreticalframeworks, methodologies leading to evaluate or measure the impact of SeriousGames, but also to report on collected and analyzed results. Serious Gamesgenerate indeed a
Keywords : Impact, Evaluation, Measure, Serious Game, Organized system, Ecosystem, Effectiveness
An article on the history of the pionner videogames invented at the MIT between 1959 and 1962: Mouse in a Maze, Tic-Tac-Toe, Qubic, PDP-1 Chess and Spacewar!
Keywords : history, pionner, mit, videogames