This conference was part of a study day entitled “Serious Games: a new field of application for research? New markets for companies? It was organized by the Service Valorisation of Toulouse 2 le Mirail University.The presentation reviewed the history of Serious Games on videogame media from the 1950s to the 2000s. Figures were then presented to assess the size of the international Serious Game market. Sub-segments were reviewed: defense, training, healthcare, advertising...It was estimated
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Valorization, Market, Industry
Post-doctoral thesis carried out from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Télécom.The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on employees of the France Telecom group. The overall approach is written within the framework of Customer Relationship (CR), which is orchestrated by OR Tools for Customer Relationship. The main challenges are to- To help optimize customer relationship management with the aim of obtai
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Customer Relationship
"This week, it's serious! The Serious Gaming is a new market of the video game industry dedicated to the learning, advertising, political... areas. A world market of 50 billions USD." Journalist :Cédric Ingrand Speakers : Jean-Claude La Rue (SELL), Sébastien Beck (DAESIGN) et Julian Alvarez (Orange Labs/ Ludoscience). Podcast
Keywords : Serious Games, LCI, Plein Ecran, Market, Video games, Serious Gaming
Sophie, who litteraly hates videogames, just got a new contract: to imagine an advertising contract about a girl videogame. Will she manage to overcome her misconceptions about videogames to create a convicing ad campaign?
Keywords : interactive fiction, girls and videogames, photo
This book is a detailed study of the expressive potential of video games. The author analyses many examples of games broadcasting messages, related to politics, advertising and education. This study allows Ian Bogost, a media researcher and game designer, to introduce the concept of "procedural rhetoric", i.e. the use of games rules to broadcast messages. This book is very brilliant: full of relevant examples, it features an analysis that will undoubtedly inspires any creator or resear
Keywords : serious game, procedural rhetoric, analysis, research, example
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this
Keywords : School guidance, Advertaising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception
During this conference, the aim was to present the Edumarket game concept. This corresponds to a Serious Game combining an educational dimension and a brand. This raises a number of ethical questions: is it conceivable to teach children to read, with the parallel introduction of a brand in a school setting, for example? At the same time, using a video game to teach is in a way promoting a license that students are likely to consume after class...
Keywords : serious game, Edumarket game, Ethic, Branding, Advertising, Licence
The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this
Keywords : serious game, Advertising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception
Technocity is a serious game released in March 2006, and freely distributed to the 600 high school and college located in the region around Toulouse City (South-West in France). The purpose of this edumarket game is to promote courses related to industrial and technical jobs towards a 15 to 18 years old audience. This title was created for the french ministry of education. This was a first experiment for the Toulouse section of french ministry of education, who wan
Keywords : serious game